Order Description
(Analyse at the operational level the planning and prosecution of the campaigns waged by the principle participants in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973, and identify any relevant lessons for contemporary commanders)
The essay must be 4000 words including footnote and Bibliography doesn’t account. 10% interdiction 80% main body %10 conclusion.
Main body:
1. Background about the war and who were the principle participants
2. Analyse the operational level the planning of all of them:
• where Strategic and Political objectives are turned into tactical activity – the bridge between strategy and tactics
3. Analyse the prosecution of the copaigns waged of them:
• What were the main planning assumptions? How were the campaigns fought? What were the strengths and weaknesses in the planning and prosecution? Particularly; how well were strategic objectives translated into tactical action?.
4. Any relevant Lessons for cotemporary commanders:
• Identify’ List these lessons and explain why they’re important.
• ‘Suitable Lessons’ These should be lessons that are general, not only relevant to the specific case, and useful for different conflicts.
• ‘Contemporary Commander’ The commander of today.
Conclusion Looks back to the question and draws together the key strands of your CORE ARGUMENT; identifies the wider implications (where appropriate); does not bring in any new information; does not make recommendations.
Reference; (add more 10 reverences the required is bettwen 13-16 reverancees)
1. Strategic Surprise or Fundamental Flaws? The Sources of Israel’s … Bar-Joseph, Uri The Journal of Military History; Apr 2008; 72, 2; ProQuest Research Librarypg. 509-530
2. Perception, Misperception and Surprise in the Yom Kippur War: A Look at the New Evidence by Abraham Ben-Zvi . 3. Bregmman – War and peace.103-144
4. An Autocracy at War: Explaining Egypt’s Military Effectiveness, 1967 and 1973 RISA BROOKS.
5. The Soviets were just an excuse’: why Israel did not destroy the Egyptian
Third Army Talia Winokur P60-74